Corporate Compliance

Operating with integrity and delivering our products with a quality mindset are shared values across our business. We ask team members to take accountability, act as an owner and do the right thing even when no one is watching. These foundational behaviors are key to maintaining a culture of compliance and ethics—a priority for our business that is reflected on our Company performance scorecard. Our organizational structures, systems and policies provide the foundation from which this culture can thrive.

Endo’s Compliance Team oversees the Corporate Compliance Program, establishes clear rules of business conduct and educates and trains team members. The team also conducts monitoring to confirm that the Corporate Compliance Program is operating as intended and to look for ways to enhance its effectiveness. The program is designed to drive a culture that enables the Company to achieve its vision, while upholding the Company’s policies and procedures, as well as all applicable legal, regulatory and industry standards.

To learn more about Endo's Global Corporate Compliance Program, click on the topics below:

Elements of an Effective Compliance Program

Endo's Culture of Compliance

Leadership Responsibilities

Code of Conduct

Reporting a Concern

To learn more about Endo’s Corporate Responsibility Program, please visit the site below:

Our Responsibility

California Disclosure: Endo International plc (Endo) hereby declares that to the best of our knowledge, and based on our good faith understanding of the statutory requirements, we have established a Comprehensive Compliance Program (CCP) for our U.S. based operating companies that is compliant with the requirements set forth by the California Health and Safety Code §§ 119400-119402.  By making this declaration, Endo is not asserting that in all circumstances we can prevent individual employees from engaging in conduct that deviates from the standards set forth in the CCP, but we have established procedures to identify potential violations and to address inappropriate conduct as necessary.  In addition, Endo assesses its CCP on an ongoing basis and makes enhancements as necessary.  A summary of Endo’s Comprehensive Compliance Program and a copy of this declaration can be obtained by calling (800) 462-ENDO (3636).